Psychotherapy Services for Women

Try to fix you.
Give you advise.
Tell you what to do.
Pretend I know more than you do.
Assume what is best for you.
Have all the answers.
Make the hard stuff go away.
Remind you that you are NOT broken.
Give you room to access your own wisdom.
Support you in figuring out what to do.
Recognize you are the expert on your own life.
Remember that only you know what is best for you.
Honor that I do not know it all.
Collaborate with you on how to make the hard stuff easier to sit with.

Psychotherapy Services for Women
In my world, there are no coincidences. I have found that each one of us is led by our intuition to exactly where we need to be, even when we feel we are not sure where we are going. I look forward to working with you on your journey to support you to understand your challenges, focus on healing yourself and creating a future life of deep meaning, loving kindness and heart-centered connection. I also create community, where you can connect with other travelers on a similar journey, MIND ~ BODY ~ SPIRIT.
Through traditional and holistic, integrative individual and group therapy approaches, I will assist you to identify long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions, RELEASE them and create the space for YOU to bring into being the life you imagine. If you are ready to move in a new direction in your personal or professional life, I can provide you with a continuum of care to meet your needs.
So, what brings you here? Are you searching to resolve traumatic issues? Are you stressed, overwhelmed, in chronic pain, or need support or resources for child and family issues? Are you searching for a provider to teach you how to meditate, be mindful, manage your energy, or change how you experience life? Are you looking for strategic solutions to transform your career experience? This is the place to find the support and transformation you seek.

NAMASTE ~ I am Kate Usaj, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Supervisor for the past 25 years. I practice Telehealth Therapy in Ohio and also in Florida. My personal journey and professional experiences are broad and deep, to put it mildly. I am a widow, wife, daughter, mother, mother in law, aunt, and grandmother, cousin and friend. I have survived cancer, as well as the deaths of many loved ones and come out on the other side whole, happy and grateful for lessons learned. I am passionate about working with WOMEN of all ages and of all professions who are experiencing emotional distress from difficult life events, past traumas or feeling stuck or powerless. I specialize in working with teachers, school professionals, lawyers, doctors and therapists. I am committed to help you create and manifest the life of your dreams. What you will find in your sessions is a holistic and integrative, mind/body/spirit approach that is warm, comforting, empathetic, non-judgmental and supportive. You will learn how to be centered and mindful in your day to day life, and experience a safe space to continue the process of healing. Every step has been your path, TRUST yourself.
I bring to you my 25+ years experience as a practitioner, student and teacher. I'm a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) practicing since 1995. I graduated from The Mandel School at Case Western Reserve University where I specialized in children, adolescents and families. I am licensed by the Ohio Department of Education as a School Social Worker and bring that unique specialty to my work. I completed an intensive, two year hypnotherapy experiential training and am certified as an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, as well as a Reiki practitioner, Breathworker and Child Light Yoga Teacher. I have taught social work graduate classes at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University. My passion is facilitating others’ healing journey, leading them to heal and create the life they imagine.
~ Licensed Independent Social Worker- Supervisory Designation #I-0008117
~ Ohio Department of Education School Social Worker Certification- Permanent
~ Florida Department of Health Registered Telehealth Provider #30 (
~ National Association of Social Workers
~ Ohio School Social Workers Association
My approach to therapeutic interventions is holistic and integrative. YOUR sessions are tailored to your concerns. I view you as an enlightened being living a human experience. The wisdom of your life here is within you, waiting for you to align your highest self. While what is most important in therapy is the connection between therapist and client, I bring twenty-five years of experience using and teaching modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Polyvagal Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation, Self -Compassion Therapy, Guided Imagery, Hypnotherapy and Energy Work. Learning these tools and applying them as daily practices will assist you to better manage overwhelm, stress, anxiety, panic, depression, guilt, shame, automatic negative thoughts and rumination. My approach is to guide you in exploring the existential meaning of the issue you bring to therapy and facilitate healing. You will commit to come with a beginner’s mind, gain insight and release old, faulty beliefs, resulting in lasting change. I practice from a culturally sensitive lens. Clients of all identities and backgrounds are welcome.
Specializing in Telehealth Therapy!
Psychotherapy - Traditional and Holistic Therapies
- Women and Adolescent Girls
Treatment specialization includes:
- Integrative Practices: Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, Breathwork, Guided Imagery
- Heart Centered Hypnotherapy for Depression and Anxiety
- Family and developmental life issues
- Counseling for Women and Adolescents
- Special Education Issues
- Parenting Support
- Grief
- Trauma
- Illness and Pain
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Cancer
- Work and Career Issues
- Stress Management
- Relationship with Food
- Smoking Cessation
It takes courage and vulnerability to make an appointment. Email me at [email protected] with your phone number and I will return you call. I will send you an email to invite you to establish a client portal on my Simple Practice account, a HIPPA compliant telehealth medicine site to complete the intake/assessment paperwork. The evening before our session, I sent a video link to your email. At our first session, I gather your medical, personal and family history and the current issues you would like to address. Based on this initial assessment, and how we decide to work together, your treatment goals and frequency of therapy is developed collaboratively with you. Some clients meet weekly, while others may meet every other week or even monthly.
Regarding my individual services, I am not on insurance panels. I am a self- pay/out of network provider. I accept payment prior to sessions via Pay Pal at: OR Zelle Kathleen Usaj 4404870214
Why no insurance panels?
I found more often than not, the services cost clients/families the same amount of money or less over the year. Clients/families very often have a very large deductible, so they have a hard time meeting it by the end of the year. I am able to reduce the cost of my fee and pass it along to you! Insurance companies require therapists to diagnose which becomes part of the permanent medical record. Insurance companies may also require clinical information to approve payment and may impose limits on the number of sessions. It is for these reasons I offer clients a self-pay option. Bypassing insurance companies allows me to better maintain your privacy and puts the focus on the therapeutic process without any outside influence or pressure.
If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified me at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.
Telehealth Therapy
Exclusively offering HIPAA compliant online video therapy!
WHAT IS TELEHEALTH? (Also referred to as Telemedicine, Teletherapy or
Telepsychiatry). Telehealth is a form of video conferencing allowing therapists to
provide services to patients outside of the office, for example at the patient’s home or workplace. It also provides the opportunity for consultation with family members, teachers and other providers involved in the patient’s care. Surveyed patients participating in telemedicine say they are very satisfied with the care they are receiving and that they feel telemedicine is a reliable form of practice. In addition, they find that they are able to keep their appointments on a more regular basis.
While I had primarily been an in-person therapist and trainer, in March 2020, that was no longer an option. For how long?? Who knew? How could I support clients in the meantime? I talked individually with my clients, (already anxious as we all were about adapting to this new normal, let alone wondering would we feel connected in a virtual setting), adopted Simple Practice Electronic Health Record (EHP) and assured them all they needed to do was click on the link I sent them.
To my delight, ALL of my clients LOVED the ability to connect to the same services without leaving the comfort of their home! For YOUR appointment, you will need to have access to a private place and a computer/tablet/smart phone with a camera and high- speed internet connection. All you have to do is be on your device and logged on at the time of your appointment. Simple Practice encrypts all forms of data, including video and audio, is secure and HIPAA Compliant. I know that it can be hard to fit appointments into your daily life. Leaving home when you are managing mental health symptoms, or even just finding time to commute regularly to an in-person appointment can be difficult. Mental health services should be easy and accessible, which is why offering mental health services online has been an unexpected gift to my clients! NECESSITY TRULY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION!
When you make a telehealth appointment with a me, you can rest easy knowing that your session is secure and effective. You will receive the same services as you experienced in person. I use Simple Practice, a secure technology to keep your personal health information private. All telehealth appointments are subject to the same strict HIPAA standards as in-person sessions.
Schedule A Consultation With Kate Usaj
Follow the link below to contact Kate for an appointment.
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